Monday, February 14, 2011

Holly and the Girls

Hey guys,

I received a newsletter today from one of the missionaries, Holly, out in Cambodia.
As some of you know, the Water Of Life Center where I will be serving this coming May is a center for boys and young men aged 12-25, who are orphaned, mistreated, or whose families are too poor to take care of them.
At the beginning of March WOL will be opening a house for young girls, who come from similar backgrounds as the boys, but also some of whom have been rescued from sex trafficking.
They already have a building to rent, but please join me in prayer for them.

Please pray:
  • for funding
  • for provision of furniture, utensils, all the little items necessary in a home basically
  • that God will lead girls there who are deeply in need of love and care
  • God's wisdom, protection and leadership over the entire project
Also, please pray for Holly as she works so hard to bring glory to the Lord and to share His love with the lost.

Thank you guys.

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