Friday, January 21, 2011

"Go therefore..."

I met with Ed today, to ask his opinions and for any guidance or wisdom he might have, concerning Cambodia.

The conversation was the cherry on the cake.
I've been waiting to hear answers and to be sure about going on the trip, from God, but Ed reminded me that so often we look for answers before we will allow ourselves to trust. But trust isn't trust when you know things for certain. So I'm taking a step of faith and fully commiting to this trip.
If I get half way there and God pulls a Macedonia on me, then so be it, but whatever happens it will be His will.

I'm waiting to hear back from Randy to make sure the timing is right for him, but I see no reason why it wont be.

Of course, Ed also reminded me that, now that I'm commited to this trip, all Hell might just break loose trying to stop it from happening, so please keep me in prayer when you can. But even moreso, please keep Cambodia in prayer. The country, its people, the ministry out there, the missionaries...

You don't have to go out to the missions field to be a part of the ministry. Prayer is the most powerful weapon we have against the Enemy, so please take part in God's work. Its so easy to just say a few words to God and ask for His will to be done in the world.

Thank you guys.
You're a huge blessing.

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