Sunday, January 9, 2011

Late night or early morning? 1/6/11

Me and Bekah talked until almost 3am.
It was great.
We talked a lot about the reality of what it really is to rely upon the Lord, and about what it really means to love.
God spoke to me through the sound of my own voice.
I realized I know exactly how I should be loving people, but am not living it out. Its a hard thing to do.

Think a little...just...ponder what it means to love unconditionally.
To love having no expectations or desires to gain anything back in return, and regardless of the other person's responses, attitudes, morals or actions.
To love in boldness through complete selflessness, worry not of how a loving rebuke or correction might affect another's view or feeling toward ourselves.
To love with no motivation save that of glorifying our great God and Savior Christ Jesus, relying wholy on the provision of His strength and willpower to do so.

Look at your relationship with another.
What is its purpose?
How many times do you use the word "I" when talking about, with, or to that person?

Most of these posts are to the Lord, parts of my prayer journal to Him, but this one is for you, for the reader. Don't feel condemned, but be open to God's work in your heart and allow Him to reveal those things which hinder you from loving the way He does.

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