Monday, January 17, 2011

My heart just melted...

This post is a bit of a random one...but...I was looking, this evening, at some pictures of one of the girls' experience in Cambodia...seeing all the faces, some with huge smiles, some that made me almost cry. My heart just breaks for some of those people. They need the Lord so badly. I'm just...dying to go out there and be used. I have the money (or will soon), I have the time. I don't know any reason not to go out there for a while.
Of course...God does (if there is a reason), and if not, I know He will be faithful to get me there and to keep me close to Him so He can be glorified through my actions for Him.

And my heart breaks, but it also rejoices for all those who have found Jesus, and all those precious saints who spend all their time and energy pouring into those people.
I love seeing pictures of beautiful little faces with huge smiles, and children with severe TB praising the Lord and having joy despite everything!
My goodness....I look at the people in this coutry--in England--and they have everything, but they're miserable.
I know that they need Jesus too, but sometimes I think it would be so much easier for them to find Him if they would let go of all their....stuff.
Maybe if I let go of some of my "stuff" I would find it a bit easier to see the Lord.

You know, often I look at those people who just sold everything they had and went off to serve the Lord, and I think they're a bit extreme or a bit crazy, and think of how unnecessary it would be for me to do something like that, because I "need a laptop and phone for communication with friends God has given me" (whatever), things like that. But I mean, I think sometimes we underestimate our God.
Okay, I know that God definitely provides certain people with certain things for certain reasons. Like that guy I learned about in Church History (gosh, can't remember his name), who was really rich and had a big business, but about 90% of his earnings went to missions, and only 10% he kept for himself. So I'm not saying that we should all just drop everything and live in rags and ruin, but...I think we should all try to have a much looser grip on our possessions.

If you really think about it, God has-in one way or another-been the one to give us everything we have (yes, even your macbook pro that you worked your butt off to pay for), and so really everything we have is His, we don't own it. He's given things to us to use for His glory...everything...(yes, everything--if you have something you shouldn't have then you can glorify Him by getting rid of it, for all you that like to dig around in my words and be finicky about things) ;)

I just...pray that God will teach me to use all that I have to glorify Him, and help me to get rid of the things I don't need, that just clutter my life and my mind.
I look at Brother Lawrence, and how he kept his way of life so simple that there was little for him to focus on but the Lord. And man did he have a good relationship with God! :)

Anyway...that came out of nowhere but...that's God sometimes right? :)
Cambodia is in my heart always, whether I go there or not.
God is so faithful.

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