Monday, January 31, 2011

Please and Thank You

Randy got back to me today and said that everyone at WOL is happy to have me there in May.
Praise the Lord.

Listen guys, this past week and for the next to weeks I have and will be working for my dad renovating a house.
Its hard work, but the hardest part is the warfare that comes with it all.
I'll be straight up with you.
For the last week I've not ben sleeping well, meaning I'm tired during the long days working. Being that tired makes me grouchy and I find myself with a very quick temper. This is usually taken out on my family, the only people I've been spending time with really. My family are not Christians and their attitudes, language, outlooks etc. really quickly rub off on me and leave me feeling very worldly.
On top of all of this, Satan is attacking me constantly with very personal and hurtful things.

I need your prayers.
I don't need your prayers so that I can feel better and have pleasant days. I need your prayers because my current circumstances are making it very difficult to spend time with the Lord, which in turn stops me from doing important things for the Lord that He has put on my heart to do.
There are projects I need to get done for Cambodia, prayers to offered to the Lord, many things to be done, and they are all being slowed down or stopped by this intense warfare.
Please, please be praying for me, for the sake of the lost.
Please pray for strength, will power, motivation and rest.
Most importantly pray that I will be learn to be faithful to the Lord no matter what my circumstances may be.

You are all such a huge blessing and I really do thank the Lord for your support in prayer.
God is going to do big things this year, and I can't wait to find out what those things are.

Please, leave me some comments, tell me some of the cool things He has been showing you, tell me about some great things He is already doing!

1 comment:

tif said...

millie i love you...i love your blog and i'm encouraged by the Lord's work and leading in your life and i miss you!!!!
praying <3